Perth Photo Medical Centre Provide Pain Free Bio Medical Laser Therapy

How does LLLT work

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is the latest and most advanced technology to assist people with a myriad of conditions...


Pain Management

People can spend years suffering pain from various conditions. You can now find a chemical free, permanent pain relief treatment right here...


Cellular Rejuvenation

The face is a reflection of health. Our Polylaser Derma uses a special derma lens in order to optimise the photon supply...

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Bookings by appointment only.

Pain Free - Safe - Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)


Low Level Laser Therapy is a technically advanced form of treatment for sufferers of both acute and chronic pain.

By having this therapy you may experience these healing benefits:

  • Pain relief (an analgesic effect)
  • Quick initiation of healing
  • Regeneration of tissue
  • Reduction of Inflammation
  • Nerve growth and regeneration
  • Increased Immunity (whole body system)
  • Restores normal body functioning without the use of painkillers
  • Is non-toxic and non-invasive
  • Improves the overall quality of life

For those who wish to avoid the merry-go-round of prescribed medication, LLLT provides a safe, effective and long lasting alternative. 

LLLT is also effectively used on trigger points in musculoskeletal treatments and can provide drug-free pain relief, being of particular aid in the treatment of arthritic conditions and neuralgic pain.

Healed tissue that has been treated with laser has been shown to have improved quality and tensile strength, thus minimising adhesions and scarring. Even pre-existing scar tissue has shown improvement after laser treatment.

Low Level Laser Therapy is the use of light in the form of energy to reduce pain and promote tissue healing. The laser used in this technique is applied to the skin without any risk of burning or cutting. LLLT is not a new science. There are over 30 years of published clinical evidence-based research around the effectiveness of laser therapy.

LLLT increases circulation, decreases inflammation, stimulates the lymphatic system and most importantly gives cells the energy they need to repair themselves. LLLT speeds up the recovery process by delivering light in the form of ‘photons’ to the cells. The cells utilize this energy to assist the body in bringing cells back to order from chaos. 

LLLT induces physiological changes at a cellular level. When laser light is applied to the skin the damaged cells absorb the light and convert it into energy. This energy is used by the cell (a photochemical reaction) in the same way that skin absorbs sunlight to produce Vitamin D. The power of the laser allows it to penetrate into nerves, muscles and other tissues. 

At Perth Photo-Medical Centre we provide treatments for:

  • Pain Relief 
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions
  • Sports Injury
  • Post Operative Healing
  • Fat Reduction
  • Arthritis
  • Skin conditions (Rosacea, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema)
  • Scars and scarring
  • Needle Free Acupuncture
  • Burns
  • Facial Rejuvenation

LLLT has numerous applications for the treatment of various conditions. 


Call us now on 0481720626 and book your first appointment



By stabilising the body at a cellular level the treatment assists in relieving pain.

LLLT accelerates the healing rate of cells, minimising scar tissue and adhesions and assists in decreasing inflammation and oedema.

LLLT is effective in reducing triggerpoints and muscle spasms.

Laser light therapy has long been known to preserve nerve function, prevent excessive fibrosis and improve joint function.

There is no need to put up with life restricting issues. Speak to one of our friendly team to see how we can help you.


Dr Pamela Dunn

B App Sc (Clinical Science) B Chiropractic Science